Our Best-Seller: The Bliss Sectional

There’s a reason why our best-selling sectional is called the Bliss… Curling up and relaxing on it feels like pure bliss! This modular sectional is a Wallaroo’s original, and it provides the best value around! Made with the highest quality materials, sold at the lowest price. It can’t be beat! Bliss Details This modular sectional…

Celebrity Inspired Sofas

It’s no secret that celebrities are widely influential to many of us. We follow our favorite actors, singers, and personality stars on social media and love seeing the “behind the scenes” of their lives. Seeing the beautiful homes, style, and fashion of A-list celebrities gives us inspiration on how to dress ourselves, and style our homes.…

The Dog Days of Summer

The “dog” days of summer are upon us, and while we’re on the topic of dogs, let’s talk about some of our most popular pet-friendly sofas! For all of our furry friends, and furry friend lovers out there, we’ve got some options that’ll work for you both. Furniture that is both beautiful and durable is…