At Wallaroo’s, you might notice many pieces of our furniture are named after people. That’s only partially because we’re overly attached to furniture! The only thing we care about more than furniture is our family, friends, and beloved pets! That’s why so many of our pieces are named after our loved ones. This week, we’d like to highlight our brown, pet-friendly sectional, the Yoko. Nathan and Bailee named it after their furry friend, Yoko!

The Source of our Inspiration
Nathan and Bailee rescued Yoko from Higher Ground Animal Sanctuary in Mead, Washington. Higher Ground’s mission is to rescue and provide sanctuary for homeless animals and other animals in need to offer a place of refuge. Their goal is to create a better rescue culture and a better world for animals. If you’re not looking to provide a forever home at the moment, maybe you’ll consider donating to Higher Ground – it’s a tough world for non-profits.
Yoko is part Mastiff and the couple was told she would be BIG – but, sometimes big surprises come in little packages and Yoko capped out at 55lbs. Bailee had this to say about Yoko: “You never know what you’ll get when you adopt a rescue, but we always say we won the rescue lottery because she is the sweetest dog who loves our son Vincent. She’s patient, protective, and lovely.

The Details
To show their appreciation for all Yoko provides to their lives, they developed a pet-friendly couch. The Yoko is made of a non-woven fabric that will not attract or hold on to pet hair. It’s hardwood frame and dense foam make it a durable, play-time friendly option for all pet owners.
There’s an estimated 70 million stray animals in the country and only about 7 million make their way into animal shelters each year. If you’re in the position to provide a forever home for an animal in the future, please consider adopting and providing for an animal in need.